Traditional Acupuncture

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese Medicine technique utilized to decrease pain and inflammation within the body. It has been developed, researched and studied to give us a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the meridians and how these meridians can lead to pain relief and inflammation control.

Acupuncture is completed along meridians, or energy channels, within the body and the points that are chosen are specific to each patient and condition. There are 12 meridians in the body; six yin and six yang meridians.

There are also two “extraordinary” meridians that our physiotherapists have been trained to utilize. These “extraordinary” meridians are considered energy-storage basins and are not directly related to the typically-utilized 12 meridians.

At Dynamic Motion Physiotherapy, our acupuncture sessions last 10-15 minutes. Acupuncture sessions are usually accompanied by manual therapy and modality treatments.

Learn more about our Acupuncture treatments today. Give our physiotherapy clinic a call at 519-835-5586 or email us at